Insights in your industry

Connecting the dots from your data

Our no-code platform helps you easily explore data and quickly identify valuable insights using graph analytics. Solve the challenges in your industry and improve your business operations with a simple tool and interactive visualizations.

Your return on investigation

GraphPolaris transforms graph database knowledge into actionable insights. Our intuitive SaaS platform enables users without data science expertise to analyze network graphs easily, enhancing business performance through six key expertises.

Multi-criteria decision making

Multi-criteria decision making

Make fast, accurate and verified decisions based on multiple criteria and understand their impact.

E.g., in Personalized Healthcare: See and analyze multiple patient facets to provide personalized treatment plans.

Situational awareness

Situational awareness

Take into account all of the relevant factors for your problem.

E.g., in Security and Intelligence: Integrate and analyze diverse sources for a comprehensive network threat detection and proactive risk management.

Entity resolution

Entity resolution

Investigate attributes closely and shift your focus on potential problem trends.

E.g., in Security and Intelligence: Characterize and fight fraud networks.

Path analysis

Path analysis

Follow paths to identify anomalies from standards.

E.g., in Supply Chain: Determine the weakest link and bottlenecks in your supply chain.

Root-cause analysis

Root-cause analysis

Find the culprits of the issues in your domain and inspect their influence.

E.g., in IT Operations: Swiftly identify and resolve IT infrastructure issues, enhancing system reliability and performance.

Geo analysis

Geo analysis

Explore the geo-spatial positioning of your data and analyze the trends.

E.g., in Outbreak and Disaster Management: Use geospatial analysis to optimize resource allocation during COVID-19, ensuring timely support to affected regions.

Our Product

Build the answer to your question

Learn more about our product

Our Runway Approach

Ready to explore your data in only 6 steps?

GraphPolaris is with you throughout our runway approach - take off by sharing your challenges and land with the generated insights ready for solution adoption. We provide to you the tools of a unique data exploration journey.
Runway lines

Use-case building

Share your challenges, in order to find the best approach to them.

Data interaction

GraphPolaris integrates and models your data into the software for you.
Product module:

Query building

Investigate your data and push it for rule-finding.
Product module:


Determine corrective and predictive augmentation scenarios with the best visualization for your task.
Product module:

Insights sharing

Visualize and narrate the generated insights from your journey.
Product module:

Adoption and impact

Forge a path toward overcoming challenges and creating a positive impact in your industry.

Excited to experience your data?

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